If you’re running QuickTime on Windows – software from Apple bundled with some of its installers – now is a good time to get rid of it. Turns out it’s a security risk to your PC, and Apple has no plans to patch it – it’s deprecated software, no longer actively supported. Here’s how to remove it.
Several security warnings were posted this past week advising Windows users to get rid of QuickTime, which Apple isn’t updating anymore, and which Trend Micro has discovered has potential security flaws. These flaws haven’t been exploited by hackers yet, but it’s probably only a matter of time.
To get rid of QuickTime on your PC, if you’re running Windows 10. Other versions of Windows work similarly:
- Click on the Start menu.
- Click on All Apps.
- Scroll down the list until you see the QuickTime folder.
- Open Uninstall QuickTime.
- Click Remove, then click Next.
- It’ll confirm that’s what you want to do, click Yes. The installer will then remove QuickTime from your system.
Once it’s done, restart your PC.
If, for whatever reason, you can’t find the QuickTime uninstaller, you can still remove QuickTime yourself. Just open your Control Panel, click on Programs, then click on Programs and Features, select QuickTime 7 and then click Uninstall.