Why it’s OK that Apple killed AirPort products, finally

AirPort Extreme Base Station

Last week Apple made official news we’d suspected for a very long time: It’s discontinued the AirPort line of network routers. Apple says once its current stock of supplies is depleted, that’s it. Apple hasn’t needed its own line of networking gear for many years, but let’s remember how truly disruptive AirPort was.
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How to beat fake news: Trust, but verify


All of us of a certain age remember Ronald Reagan’s utterance “Trust, but verify” – a translation of the Russian proverb “Doveryai, no proveryai.” Reagan used it during nuclear disarmament talks between the US and the Soviet Union in the 1980s.  “Trust, but verify” is an important maxim to observe on social media as well, as we try to figure out what to do about “fake news.” More thoughts on this after the break.

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Facebook and Cambridge Analytica: Is Your Data Exposed?

Cambridge Analytica Facebook data

Facebook is under fire for enabling a company called Cambridge Analytica to obtain information about more than 80 million Facebook users. Until recently there was no way to know if your data was included. Now there is. Here’s how to find out.

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What’s in store for Apple’s Mac?

Final Cut Pro 10 4 1 iMacPro Final Cut 040518

For decades, pundits have compared Apple’s Macintosh computers to Windows PCs. Recent articles about Apple’s Mac plans provide us with a look inside its hardware and software engineering efforts. They also reveal what Apple is doing to make such comparisons less relevant in the future. I’m going to read the tea leaves a bit to try to figure out what Apple has planned.

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MacVoices: Talking About Social Media

Chuck Joiner and I recently spoke on his MacVoices podcast. Our subject was social media and its impact. Some of the topics we discussed included protecting ourselves at a time when many of us are dangerously overexposed. I went deep on my specific experience with Twitter, which has a lot of value. But Twitter’s also become really toxic; I stepped away because of that and some other reasons which I go into. I even got a bit ranty. Chuck’s a very gracious host, so he let me spin my top.

The Committed: On Apple Design, and more

Ian Schray, Kirk McElhearn, and Rob Griffiths were kind enough to invite me to talk with them on their podcast The Committed this week. We talked about the controversy over Apple’s design of the iPhone X (the infamous “notch”), the Apple TV 4K, and the new LTE-enabled Apple Watch Series 3. I had a great time with these three gents, I hope you have a great time listening in.

The Committed


MacCast: Backup strategy, SSD upgrades and more!

Is iOS 11 Apple’s first real attempt to turn the iPad and iPad Pro into a general-purpose computer? I think so. I also have strong opinions on proper backup methodologies and offer some tips for anyone looking for ways to improve the performance of their older Macs (hints: It has to do with memory and storage). If you’re interested in this and other issues including Apple TV 4K, iPhone 8s and the Apple Watch with LTE, and some High Sierra tips and tricks, please listen to this recent episode of The MacCast podcast. Adam Christianson and I had a great time talking! Thanks for having me on, Adam!




High Sierra, APFS, and your hard drive-equipped Mac

Apple has released High Sierra, a new upgrade to macOS that’s installable on most Macs built since 2009 and 2010. One of the key features of High Sierra is a new file system. There’s a hitch if you’re using a Mac with a hard drive, including Macs with Fusion Drives. File systems aren’t a sexy feature or even a visible one, but the last time the Mac’s file system changed, Bill Clinton was president. So it’s a big deal. Read on for the full story.

Macbook highsierra file system

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Upgrade tips for High Sierra

macOS High Sierra is now available for download. If you’re upgrading or planning to upgrade, do a bit of advanced prep before you download and install the new operating system using the Mac App Store. Those steps include backing up your Mac and qualifying the apps and devices you depend on for use with the new operating system. Here are some helpful hints to keep you on the right course.

Macbook high sierra hero desktop

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Apple Context Machine: APFS, iOS 11, backups and more

On this episode 429 of the Apple Context Machine podcast, Jeff Gamet and I talked at length about iOS 11, the new APFS file system change that’s already come to iOS and is coming to (some) Macs with High Sierra’s release, T-Mobile and LTE Band 71, backups and more. If you’re looking for an hour to fill with Apple nerdery, please tune in, or whatever the kids are doing with podcasts these days.

Apple Context Machine

